A Comprehensive Checklist for preferring 数字无障碍解决方案合作伙伴!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

数字访问已成为互联网的重要组成部分. Lately, more organizations, and businesses have begun approaching experienced and suitable agencies to fix accessibility issues present on their digital assets. 随着优先级的改变, 组织现在倾向于DEI(多样性), equity, and inclusion), 这对数字世界来说是一个积极的信号吗.

A white label digital accessibility partner can help web design and development agencies, 托管服务提供商, 用户体验专家, 数字营销公司, CSR and PR agencies, 托管服务提供商, and law firms to bridge the gap and give them an opportunity to serve accessibility and make additional revenue.


公司可以用于测试的技术/软件或工具, quick remediation, monitoring, 并生成数字可访问性合规报告.

Experienced accessibility professionals / specialists / partners also offer strategic consultation, 自动和手动审计, website remediation, document remediation, monitoring, 可访问性一致性报告, 无障碍语句开发, training, and support.

This article presents a detailed checklist to guide website owners in preferring digital accessibility partner committed to delivering effective digital accessibility solutions.


  • 无障碍标准方面的专业知识

    Ensure that the accessibility partner has a deep understanding of international standards, 包括网页内容无障碍指引(WCAG). Verify their understanding of the latest guidelines and commitment to staying updated on changes. They should be capable of guiding the website towards compliance with regional and 国际无障碍标准 包括ADA和WCAG 2.1, WCAG 2.2, ATAG 2.0, Section 508, Canada ACA, Ontario AODA, California Unruh, UK equality Act, Australian DDA, and more.

  • 具有不同技术的经验

    评估他们使用不同网络技术的熟练程度. They should be capable of implementing accessibility solutions across various CMS, LMS, CRM, ecommerce platforms, browsers, desktop, mobile, 新兴技术.

    They must be proficient on implementing accessibility on various platforms on which websites have been built for example, WordPress, Drupal, Adobe Commerce, Joomla, BigCommerce, Adobe Experience Manager, Wix, Shopify, Sitecore, Umbraco, OpenCart, etc.

  • 成功记录

    调查他们的作品集和案例研究. Look for their successful projects where they have remediated websites for ADA and WCAG accessibility compliance. Client testimonials and references can provide valuable insights into their track record.

  • 易访问性测试方法

    询问他们对网站可访问性审计采取的方法. A reliable agency will employ a combination of automated tools and manual testing methods to ensure a thorough evaluation of a website’s accessibility. 此外,用户测试是一个成功网站的关键指标. Thus, they must involve user testing (with disabled individuals) to refine accessibility solutions.

  • 定制的行业特定解决方案

    Consider the accessibility partner’s relevant industry experience because each industry has unique challenges that can be conquered only with specific experience. 这对于定制有效的可访问性解决方案也很重要.

  • 协作和沟通技巧

    Effective collaboration and communication are essential for successful projects. Assess the accessibility partner’s ability to communicate complex accessibility issues clearly and understandably.

  • Cost transparency

    明确成本结构. A transparent breakdown of costs associated with accessibility services including testing, implementation, remediation, and ongoing support will help to make an informed decision without unexpected financial surprises.

  • 实施时间表

    讨论实现可访问性解决方案的预期时间表. A realistic and well-defined timeline ensures that the website becomes accessible within a reasonable timeframe.

  • 实施后的监控和持续改进

    查询其实施后的监控和维护服务. A commitment to ongoing monitoring and support demonstrates the digital accessibility partner’s dedication to the sustained accessibility of the website. 此外,它们必须在持续的可访问性改进方面具有创新性. A forward-thinking accessibility specialist will actively seek new and better ways to enhance accessibility, 确保网站始终处于包容性的最前沿.


Companies seek accessibility partners because it is difficult for them to educate their teams against accessibility standards and keep an eye on new updates regularly along with maintaining their websites. 它帮助他们弥合数字能力和营销能力之间的差距, 扩大客户基础, 更好地服务客户.

与白色标签数字无障碍伙伴关系, 企业可以获得合作伙伴的专业知识和资源. This means the businesses don't have to invest a significant amount of time and money into developing certain digital accessibility services or functions themselves.

Choosing the right accessibility partner for digital accessibility solutions is a critical decision that goes beyond technical expertise. It requires a comprehensive evaluation of the accessibility partner’s commitment to suggested standards and other important facets. 使用上述核对表, website owners can navigate the process of selecting a partner to meet legal obligations and create an accessible digital space for everyone.

In a nutshell, 投资一个可靠的合作伙伴是对包容性的投资, user satisfaction, 以及一个组织在网上的长期成功.

How does Skynet Technologies help as a digital accessibility solution partner?

我们为数字代理商带来了机会, service providers, CSR and PR agencies, MSPs, law firms, and platform partners to provide inclusive digital experience for their clients. Serve quick WCAG and ADA website accessibility enhancements as a service by 与All in One Accessibility™PRO合作! 欲了解更多信息,请pg电子官网 [email protected].